Moving day in an RV can be stressful. Maybe you're trying to stick to a schedule. Whatever the reason, in order to avoid potentially catastrophic mistakes and maintain harmony in your relationship, having a checklist on hand can be helpful.
We own a truck camper and one of the first mistakes we made on moving day was forgetting to move our license plate from the truck to the camper. Luckily, we had driven the camper from the storage facility to our home (only six miles) to pack the camper so we were able to fix our mistake in our driveway. That's when the idea for creating a checklist was born.
For the most part, Will tackles all of the outside projects and Angela handles the interior. It's important to have a clear understanding of who will do what to ensure you don't forget any key steps.
There are plenty of free checklists online, but there are some truck camper specific tasks that aren't covered on these lists. One example is our backup camera. Will installed a custom backup camera that runs along the truck bed frame to the back of the camper. When we load up the camper, we have to remember to connect the camera.
I compiled a generic list and included a few tasks for truck camper owners. Every RV has different requirements, but we're hoping this free Moving Day Checklist download covers most of the bases. We're still learning what works on moving day, so if something is missing from this list that would make it more helpful, please comment below.
If you're looking for a packing checklist, campsite log, maintenance log, or all-in-one, check out our Camping Journal, a convenient place to record and store info about your travel adventures to reference later.
One final note that we think is crucial—when you arrive home and are unpacking your RV you must absolutely remember to move your toaster from the camper back to the house. We made that mistake once and had to live without toast until we could get back over to the storage facility to retrieve our toaster (true story)! 😂