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Daily gratitude helps you focus on what's really important

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

It has certainly been a crazy year due to the pandemic, the wildfires, election politics and more. This last week has been especially difficult in our home. We work for an electric utility company that experienced the worst damage to our system in the 82 year history of the company due to Tropical Storm Zeta. We've missed a lot of sleep, got yelled by strangers at on social media, canceled a camping trip and skipped Halloween altogether.

While all of it has been stressful, one thing that I tried to remember when I was near breakdown from lack of sleep, is that it could be worse. I reminded myself that this was temporary, and that if I could just make it a few more days then our lives would go back to normal. And today is that day.

We still need to clean up our yard from the storm, fix a roof leak complete with damaged ceiling and attend neglected housework. Despite a little bit of remaining stress, I'm thankful. I have my moments, but in general I always try to be positive. For this situation, I'm thankful no one was hurt, and am proud of how our entire company pulled together to tackle an overwhelming amount of damage. I'm grateful for my dogs, who sat beneath my feet for hours on end while I sat behind the computer trying to keep customers informed. I'm happy to have co-workers who look out for one another and remind each other to eat and take breaks. And I'm thankful I could manage all of this from home as we're still working remotely due to the pandemic.

I believe that what we think has a profound impact on our mental well-being and how we treat and talk to others. Because I've got thankfulness on the mind and it has been a crazy year, I thought it might be fun to launch a Thankful Thursday campaign and share this free PDF. Write down what you're thankful for every Thursday in November. Your thankful thoughts don't have to be mind blowing. It can be as simple as expressing gratitude that your dogs sit at your feet all day while you work. Print multiple copies and get your spouse and kids involved in the activity. And, if you want to make this a habit 365 days per year, this Daily Gratitude Journal will help you and your family practice your gratitude together.


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